Larvae penetrates skin
Autoinfection: complete life-cycle in human (larvae hatch in intestine, penetrate intestinal mucosa and migrate to other organs e.g. lung)
Infection may persist lifelong
Clinical features
May be asymptomatic
Larva currens
GI upset: diarrhoea, pain, nausea, anaemia
Hyperinfection syndrome (in immunosuppressed, or even small dose of corticosteroids [caution re COVID-19] or other immunosupressive)
Pneumonia, meningitis, necrotising enterocolitis (severe diarrhoea, sepsis, death (60%)
Eosinophilia may be absent
Consider screening before giving steroids, treat with single dose of Ivermectin
Faecal OCP
Eosinophila (may be absent)
Larvae in sputum/tissues (hyperinfection)
Serology: can cross-react with others e.g. Hookworm?
Ivermectin (caution re Loa Loa endemic areas)
Review immunosupp drugs
Sanitation, shoes
Treat and treat before immunosuppression
Historical aspects
Observed in British soldiers who presented later in life with hyperinfection syndrome
Small intestine: all stages, adults, larvae, eggs