Pathogen / transmission
RNA virus, identified in 1973
Faecal-oral transmission
Ubiquitous and infect almost every child globally by 3-5 years of age
Most important cause of gastroenteritis in children - approx 40% of admissions
Vomiting & fever, followed by watery diarrhoea
Clinically indistinguishable from diarrhoea caused by other pathogens, but can be more severe and rotavirus/norovirus more likely during the winter in non-equatorial countries
Recurrent infections, progressively diminish in severity
Usually clinical
Virus detection in stool: Antigen (ELISA/immunochromatography) /PCR more sensitive and allow genotyping (for epidemiological/vaccine studies)
Supportive, prevent dehydration, ORS is the cornerstone of treatment
Zinc for 10-14 days after diarrhoea started (exact mechanism unclear but probably anti-inflammatory/anti-secretory effects)
Probiotics (some evidence)
Antivirals: limited evidence e.g. nitazoxanide
Anti-emetics (e.g. metoclopramide, ondansetron) progressed from 'not recommended' to 'possibly recommended' due to reducing dehydration
Vaccination, licensed for global use in 2006 (reduction in hospitalisations and diarrhoea deaths e.g. <5 years deaths reduced from >500,000 to around >200,000). Live, attenuated, given at 2, 4 +/- 6 months. Good safety record although increased risk of intussusception reported in some seetings
Improvements in hygiene/sanitation do not substantially reduce the burden of disease
Rotavirus, Nature Primer, 2017